Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sponsorship Information

How to sponsor Steve's Enduro-Tour Divide

for Kidneeds -- Ride begins June 13, 2008

How much does it cost to sponsor a mile?

You can sponsor one mile or as many miles as you like.

Here are the options:

Breaking Away- downhill and flatter miles are $10/mile.

Easy Rider- moderate incline miles are $25/mile.

Desert miles are $50/mile

Iron Giant- steep mountain climbs are $100/mile.

**All donations are appreciated.

Where do I send my donation to sponsor Steve?

Please make a check to:
Kidneeds, GCRCF,
and mail to:
PO Box 1324
Iowa City, IA 52244-1324

Please include how many miles you are sponsoring, the type and if you have a state preference. We will do our best to accommodate your preference. Donations are not refundable, even if Steve is unable to complete the Tour. You can include well wishes that will be passed on to Steve.
To make an online donation, please visit the Kidneeds’ website for information: (Will be available by Monday on Kidneeds, sooner here)
Make a donation in honor of a friend: when you send in your donation in honor of someone, please give us the honoree's name, address and mileage information. We will send them a note notifying them of your gift.

Steve is doing this for Jenna and all DDD patients.

We hope you will support him, and pass on this information to others. For DDD patients and families who have expressed an interest in helping with a fundraiser, this is a great way to help. We need many donors to reach our goal. Thank you to everyone for your support!!

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